2. About CLPA
  3. International Standards

About CLPA

International Standards

The High-level Technology and Ease-of-Use

CC-Link has been approved by Japanese Industrial Standards, Chinese National Standard, International Organization for Standards, Korean National Standard, and Taiwan Standard, in addition to the International Standard SEMI for the semiconductor and FPD industries. CC-Link has transformed in name and technology from Japanese defacto standard to a global standard. Equipped with compatible communication strongly required of open networks and a diverse lineup of connectable products, this open network dramatically improves production efficiency when creating systems or applications. The high level of technology and ease of use have been approved throughout the world.

International Organization for Standards (ISO)ISO15745-5 : [CC-Link] Certified in January 2007.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)IEC61158, IEC61784-2 : [CC-Link IE Control, CC-Link IE Field] Certified in August 2014.
IEC61784 : [CC-Link] Certified in August 2014.
IEC61158 : [CC-Link IE] Certified in August 2014.
IEC61784 : [CC-Link IE] Certified in August 2014.
IEC61784-3-8: CC-Link IE Safety approved in August 2016.
SEMI StandardSEMI E54.12 : [CC-Link] Certified in December 2001.
SEMI E54.23-0513 : [CC-Link IE Field] Certified in May 2013.
The National Standards of the People's Republic of China: GBGB/Z 19760-2005 : [CC-Link] Certified in December 2005.
GB/T 20229.4-6 Chinese BA (Building Automation) standard : [CC-Link] Certified in December 2006.
GB/Z 19760-2008 : [CC-Link] Certified in June 2009.
GB/Z 29496.1.2.3-2013 : [CC-Link Safety] Certified in June 2013.
GB/T 33537.1~.3-2017: CC-Link IE approved in April 2017.
GB/Z 37085-2018: CC-Link IE Safety approved in December 2018.
Japanese Industrial Standards : JISJIS TR B0031 : [CC-Link Safety] Certified in May 2013.
Korean National Standard : KSKBS ISO 15745-5 : [CC-Link] Certified in March 2008.
KSC IEC 61158/61784: [CC-Link] published in December 2011
KSC IEC 61784-5-8: [CC-Link, CC-Link IE Control, CC-Link IE Field] published in December 2014
KSC IEC 61784-3-8:[CC-Link IE Safety] published in July 2018
Taiwan Standard : CNSCNS 15252X6068 : [CC-Link] Certified in May 2009.