2. About CLPA
  3. Organization

About CLPA


Through the diffusion activities of the CC-Link and CC-Link IE on a global level, CLPA supports both vendors and users as a business partner.

CLPA was established in November 2000, under the motto "CC-Link, the open field network, will become world's de facto standard". Ever since, the Board of directors, Marketing Task Force and Technical Task Force have joined forces to help the vendors to develop compatible products and the users to build up FA systems.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consisting of ten firms operates CLPA and decides on major association issues.

Task Force

Marketing Task Force

Focuses on increasing the number of CLPA members, enhancing the world recognition and expanding the use of CC-Link.

Exhibit at various trade shows and conferences, conduct educational and development seminars, plan and implement advertising programs including enhancement of the CLPA website.

Technical Task Force

Focuses on management of related technology and coordinates provision of information to members and outside standard-setting organizations.

Initiate and develop new specifications including the safety network CC-Link Safety and the integrated network CC-Link IE that is attracting world attention. Produce needed technical materials such as "Cable Installation Guide". Evaluate and develop new specifications for conformance testing. Engage in various technical issues. These activities have turned out remarkable achievements.

  • CC-Link/LT Specification
  • CC-Link cable
    installation guide
  • Conformance test specification

CLPA Membership

Get the membership to CLPA. The members can develop business opportunities and possibilities by receiving services such as support for developing compatible products.

CLPA members are entitled to obtaining the most up-to-date technological information and CC-Link specifications at no cost. In addition, support for conformance tests is included in addition to assistance at various stages of product development.